Considering the fact that most of the upcoming generation of college students spends a considerable amount of time online, upwards of eight hours daily, college recruiters have had to adjust the ways in which they hope to influence these children. As the TikTok platform continues to grow, it’s become clear that video content is the primary way that these institutions have started to target prospective students and gather their attention. The challenge becomes creating engaging enough content that can fit within the time restraints of these platforms. Even adjusting to the newest trend doesn’t ensure that these colleges will have the influence to connect with students at the same capacity as they used to. Being online and present in the lives of these prospective students means nothing if they’re not enticed or engaging with the content your institution creates. To better understand the ways in which this content has influenced the digital landscape of college searches, take a moment to review the resource featured alongside this post.
The Digital Landscape Of College Search provided by Encoura, a company specializing in graduate program digital marketing